
Hi! I'm Tohria, I’ve been at AK almost eight years and have been doing hair for over ten years. I'm grateful to be doing a job I love with coworkers and a boss I couldn't do it without! Being able to create someone's dream hair and help them to feel their best is why I'll still be here for the next 10+ years!

Specialties/Expertise: Color! Blondes and reds are my favorite

Level: 5

Hobbies Outside of the Salon: Brunching(preferably with B), spending time with friends, and going to concerts

Zodiac: Starchart unknown

Favorite Movie: Wizard of Oz

Instagram Handle: @tohriawood

Weekly Schedule: 

Monday: 11am - 7pm
Tuesday: 11am - 7pm
Thursday: 11am - 7pm
Friday: 9am -5pm